Life Liens

an experimental art project

by Lucian Frust

A Life Lien is a conditional lien certificate held by a party (the “Lienholder”) which affords that party a specific claim on assets I may acquire in the future.

👉 In short: If I win/acquire something, Lienholder gets a part of it.

The purchase of a Life Lien is considered to be a symbolic act of artistic participation. However, Life Liens are signed, legal documents, and I fully intend to honor the conditions of a purchased Life Lien should the conditions be met for the fulfillment of said Life Lien.


Initially, I wanted to know what legal document/process would be involved here. Is it a "lien" of sorts? Just an interpersonal contract? How can I assure it's considered legally binding?I posted the question on 3 online "ask a lawyer" sites.

©2024, this is a Frust thing.